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The Teddy Bear Stories - The New Guardian Page 3

unable to defend and are smaller than we are. If you want to keep Ashleigh safe, then we need to teach you how to do so. Not only Ashleigh, but yourself, as the Night Terrors know instinctively that we are their foes and that we will stop them. You will always be a target."

  "I don't want to be a target."

  "But you are, little one. We all are, so you will need to learn how to defend your cub and yourself. The Night Terrors will get bigger and stronger as Ashleigh gets older. You must be able to defeat them all or you could lose her forever."

  He started to turn away and stopped. "I am called Chumpie. So come, little one, and let's outfit you with equipment that will work for you as a smaller bear." He continued turning and I followed him across the field toward a well-trampled training area with many swords and shields on racks all around.

  I saw spears and axes, huge shields and small ones as well that seemed no bigger than my paw. I reached for one of the monster swords, wondering how I was supposed to pick it up, let alone how I was going to use it.

  Chumpie started his rumbling laugh again. "No, little one, that is for a large bear that is experienced in fighting. Try this." He handed me what looked like a thick toothpick. I stared at it, wondering if I was supposed to pick the Terror's teeth when it came by.

  "No, little one! You need to use a sword that will fit your size. You will learn techniques to maximize your efficiency with this type of blade. You are small. Eventually you will be able to defeat a bigger opponent with this. It all just takes time."

  I waved it around a little feeling, how much it weighed.

  "Come at me, little one!" Chumpie called.

  I turned and charged. I was flat on my back staring at a beautiful sky with no clouds.

  "No lying around, little one. The Night Terrors will not be so patient. AGAIN!"

  I came to my feet and moved on, Chumpie swinging the sword wildly over my head. Again I saw how beautiful the sky was in this land.

  Over and over we did that game of my charging and then staring at the sky for a while for what seemed like days. When we stopped, Chumpie took me aside and talked to me.

  "You have done well for the first day. You still have time to learn to use your weapons properly. At this young age the Night Terrors do not normally come more than once every few weeks. Remember, your size means you are not going to chop them to bits. You are going to move fast and nick them here and there. They will start to unravel as their darkness leaks out. Do NOT try overpowering them as you WILL lose."

  I turned to go out the door from Picnic Lland back to Ashleigh's bedroom when Chumpie called to me. "Remember to practice whenever you are not with your Ashleigh. The more you practice, the better you can protect her and yourself from the darkness. Never fail, for you will feel the scars worse than the little one as you know you have failed in your most sacred of duties."

  I waved at Chumpie and headed home to practice and cuddle my little cub.


  There were three of them coming at me from under the bed at one time. I held my slicing sword parallel to the ground and gained my centre. Then I leapt to the attack!

  My first slashing cut dissected the leftmost Terror. I spun and charged the right-side Terror with one swipe, removing his legs and then the back slash cutting him in half.

  The middle Terror was the big one, but I had dispatched his friends too fast. They felt no fear but he was concerned. I faced him and smiled. My leap took me over his head and as I landed behind him, I slashed down then up, removing his arms. Black goo shot out and as he started to turn toward me I spun around, putting my full body weight behind my blade and his head leapt clear of his shoulders.

  I quickly cleaned and sheathed my sword. I then picked up all three heads and took them back under the bed. I put them on pikes that were there solely for that purpose.

  They joined the dozens of others that sat there staring sightlessly toward the back.

  My statement was made. "I am SNUGGS! Come, Night Terror, and find your DEATH!"

  No one will ever hurt my Ashleigh and I will keep her safe from anything. Her parents love her and she is just starting daycare at a good place. But there are changes and those changes will lead to fear. That fear will bring the Night Terrors AND it will give them a form.

  That form will threaten and try to take the warmth and love. I have seen those that have been taken and what they have lost. That will not be happening to my cub.

  We are Bears. We defend and protect the little cuddlers that cannot protect themselves from the horrors of the real world. When others turn away or cannot see what is there, we are there. We have been here for a very long time and we will be here for a great deal longer.

  Ashleigh, my lovely cub, is well loved and taken care of.

  I carefully place my swords and shield on the rack and start climbing up the bedding. This new bed has no bars and is easier to get onto. I carefully slip under the comforter and snuggle up to Ashleigh. She murmurs in her sleep and rolls over, cuddling into me. I blaze with the warmth of her love.

  I touch her hand and rest secure in the love.

  Thank you for reading my short story. If you enjoyed it, please check out the others I have up, and won't you please take a moment to leave me a review at your favorite retailer?



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